Operations Director
Ryan McCrone
Ryan McCrone has been a lifelong advocate for helping people. Through battling the disease of alcoholism he realized a solid support system, creating healthy habits that support a routine lifestyle can be achieved only by making personal commitment.
Making a personal commitment to ‘plug the bottle’ has helped hold himself accountable and take responsibility for his past, to live in the present and direct his future in assisting others achieve their personal commitment.
Ryan and Frank have been friends for over 15 years. Upon reading Returning Citizen’s Survival Guide he realized this book set a blueprint that helped him conquer his addiction. Naturally he wanted to join the cause of helping others successfully return to their communities. Ryan helps steer our projects through editing, brainstorming and holding Frank's feet to the fire to meet deadlines, much to no avail.
Ryan has a B.S. in Natural Resources of Oregon State University-Cascades. Ryan has assisted in the design and construction of miles of streams and thousands of acres of wetland and riparian restoration and enhancement projects throughout the Northeast. The monitoring required upon completion of these projects allowed him to see first hand that proper implementation using best management practices can have a lasting positive impact on the environment, coupled with the improvements of socio-economic benefits on the surrounding communities. His passion to heal and sustain our natural resources has spilled over into human life. He believes that everyone deserves a second chance in fulfilling their potential, desires and dreams.